I just returned from the University of South Florida, where I had the honor of performing the world premiere of the concert version of Stuart Saunders Smith’s Echo (as well as a favorite work of mine, Smith’s In Hours Like These for orchestra bells and voice). The performance was part of a festival celebrating his music, and his upcoming 70th birthday.
Premiere of “To the Lighthouse”!
New headshots & website template!
Hi all! Bear with me while I fiddle with this new website template. In the meantime, enjoy these wonderful new headshots by the fantastic Aleks Karjaka!
Review from Concert in Tübingen, Germany on April 1, 2017
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger am 03.04.2017: “Insbesondere die Amerikanerin Christie Finn als Jesu Stimme geht erstaunlich souverän mit diesen Herausforderungen um. Ihr Sopran ist technisch brillant, ausdrucksstark, klanglich lupenrein…”
March 2017 Update:
Photos and a Review!
It’s been a busy year so far! I just returned from Bregenz, Austria, where I had the pleasure of being part of a “preview” concert, a little glimpse what’s in store for this summer’s premiere of Zesses Seglias’s To the Lighthouse (based on Virginia Woolf’s novel)…

The premiere of Klaus Dreher’s Die Graue Passion (The Gray Passion) on March 13 in Stuttgart was very well-received. Check out this review from the Eßlinger-Zeitung: Klackende Ratschen, bebendes Donnerblech (15.03.2017).
In February, I had a blast again with ICTUS in Belgium (thanks for this blog post, Ben Taffijn)–stay tuned for information about our upcoming recording of Christopher Trapani’s Waterlines! And at the end of the month, I met up with my Forum Neue Vokalmusik friends in Durham, England–here are some photos from our latest performance of Stockhausen’s Stimmung:
What’s cookin’ for 2017…
2016 has been a lot of fun–from our NOISE-BRIDGE tour in the U.S.A. and Canada, to various concerts in Oldenburg, Reutlingen, Barcelona, Ghent, and (OF COURSE) the Stuttgart area–I am thankful for a busy and fulfilling year, and excited for what’s to come! In 2017, I’ll be singing Trapani in Antwerp, Stockhausen in Durham, a world premiere by Klaus Dreher in Stuttgart and Tübingen, a world premiere by Luis Cordera Puzo in Barcelona and Stuttgart, some more Aperghis, and then a world premiere opera at the Bregenzer Festspiele! The next several months are going to be a wild ride, and I can’t wait! Hope to see you out there.
They’re coming…
Hampsong Foundation Interview
A huge thank you to Martha Guth of Sparks & Wiry Cries for interviewing me about our upcoming pilot Hampsong Foundation ‘Song of America’ Educator Workshop! You can read the interview here.
SWR2 Treffpunkt Klassik Extra–listen online until July 25, 2015!
SWR2 Treffpunkt Klassik extra TOMORROW!
Hello dear friends and colleagues! Tomorrow, July 18, 2015, I will be featured on SWR2 in the Treffpunkt Klassik extra program–Katharina Eickhoff had me choose some of my favorite recordings to play and talk about on the radio! Check it out, 10:30am-12pm Central European Time (sorry, North Americans…): http://www.swr.de/swr2/